Limited Supply: One World Hemp Mask! - Vital Hemp, Inc.

Limited Supply: One World Hemp Mask!

Ron Alcalay | 11 August, 2020

            Limited Supply: One World Hemp Mask! - Vital Hemp, Inc.

Vital Ones,

What times!!! And through it all, the good things persist, like a walk at the shore, a surf with sis, or tie-dye!!

When the One World Mask started, a big part of me secretly hoped it would be a short-lived project, one that fulfilled a need that went away as the pandemic went away. Alas, that has not been the case in this land, so we continue to develop and make masks. Our latest is the blue tie-dye, pictured above. We made a limited run of fifty of these, so if you love tie-dye, and hemp tie-dye even more, find them here:

In other developments, we’re in the final design stage of an adjustable ear-loop style, that we look forward to bringing you next month, so stay tuned.


In other news, Vital Hemp is happily situated in the new space, fulfilling e-commerce orders as they come in. We’re weeks away from a new site, with new photos for every style and color we produce, so please look for the announcement of the launch. “Launch” sounds so early two-thousands…do companies still launch?

When I was a kid, I discovered a band called The 1910 Fruitgum Company during a one-cent sale at the Warehouse record store in Westwood, California. I bought the Beatles, Magical Mystery Tour, my first album, and choose Goody Goody Gumdrops for a cent. After I got into the band, I bought another album with a song called, Good ‘Ol 2001. In it, the young singer praises the new world of the future, our precocious sense of progress:

Life is so cool: graduate high school, and then you go off to college…. About the time you’re eleven, you’re ready to sock it to the world.”

I remember a few years ago, when parents were plugging their babies into Mozart, building little geniuses who could outsmart their peers, gaining the advantage to get into a better school, for a better career and a better life. Now, I just want to preserve my daughter’s innocence, or more accurately, her sense of a world that’s safe to experience.

I won’t go so far as I did a couple of years ago, when she was distraught over having lost her wiggly tooth in Whole Foods (“I have nothing for the Tooth Fairy!”). Nevertheless, the next morning she found a letter from the Tooth Fairy, explaining how the Market Fairy found the tooth in the cheese section, and gave it to her; so in exchange, she was giving my daughter a crystal…”it’s like a tooth from the Earth,” wrote the fairy. Alas, our belief in such make-believe characters fade, even as we all still want to play the game.

But the joy of crystals, or caves, or knitting remain. A good friend imported rugs and carpets from Tibet. He called his company Ancient Future. I think of so much of the world the same way. What is ancient and persists, will persist into our future. If it’s really good, it’s too good to go away, and will return, like tie-dye, like hemp.

Thanks for being vital,


Ron Alcalay
Store : 424.268.4486
~Let Us Hemp You Out!~