may 2014 newsletter
hempin' Topanga Earth Day, 2014
{{block id="social_links"}} Vital ones, Last month at the Topanga Earth Day Festival, I listened to Marianne Willamson and felt inspired. As some may know, a bunch of people are running to fill the House seat left vacant by Henry Waxman of Los Angeles, California. Last Sunday, at the Santa Monica Farmer’s market, I bumped into Matt Miller and his industrious campaign manager, Ben. I’ve been listening to Matt host the KCRW program, Left, Right and Center for years, occupying the spot left vacant by Arianna Huffington. I’ve been impressed with his innovative ideas that usually save dollars and make sense. Far beyond any technocrat, Matt embraces a sustainable vision of our future. Equally vital, he knows how to listen to everyone, finding solutions that a majority may, with good conscience, adopt. So I invited him to speak, and meet and greet, and answer questions at our store, this May 31 from 7-9. If you’re in the area, come by, put on your political thinking caps, and meet some cool people. We’ll also be serving hot Tulsi Tea by Organic India, cold hemp ale by Humbolt Brewery, biodynamically-grown salad by our own local Wyndebrandt farms, and hemp snacks by Nutiva. Vital Hemp On another note of international importance, we just received sixty-four rolls of hemp fabric that we’re busy making into our summer and fall styles, including more hemp t-shirts in new colors (since so many of you tell me you already have the nine we offer), more of the v-neck tees you love, new dresses, zip hoodies and 100% hemp linen shorts! Please “like” our Facebook page (link below), and we’ll let you know as soon as a new style becomes available for store or online purchase. As you’re aware, we don’t make a ton of clothes (well, actually we do make about a literal ton), and they go fast. So, let us hemp you out for summer! We’re also putting some winter styles on sale, so check the site and find an off-season deal. Finally, thank you all for supporting vital hemp all these years and for your support of industrial hemp. It’s a humble plant, doesn’t require a lot from us to grow, and gives so much. In fact, I think hemp is the new “giving tree!” {{block id="social_links"}} Thanks for being vital, ~satisfy your hemptations~