vital hemp may 2013 newsletter - Vital Hemp, Inc.

vital hemp may 2013 newsletter

may 2013 newsletter

hempy holyday



vital ones, 

It is with great happiness that I welcome our first hempbassador, Mary.  Mary and I met in the ocean yesterday after I admired her longboarding style.  Today, we met for lunch in the shop, discussing our vital vision.  She tried on one of our new v-necks, and took a little walk on one of the “logs” in front of the store.

It’s starting to feel like summer….

Here’s what’s up:

We’ll be hempin’ the UCLA Jazz & Reggae Festival this Sunday and Monday, 11-7 pm.  Come to the big field for a phenomenal time.  Jam day Sunday; Reggae Monday.

If you crave uneven ground, come to a full moon retreat: Drawing on the Moon.  Our friend Ram and hundreds of his talented friends will gather in the hills of Malibu to share their creativity through music, art, performance, massage, healing food and general yumminess.

We just made some new styles, including henleys, ¾ sleeve tees, a tank dress, and men’s tanks and 100% hemp linen anywhere pants, so for the latest hemp styles and colors, come to UCLA, the store in Santa Monica, or visit our site!

Best of all: if you can think of a shop in your neighborhood that might want to sell vital hemp, let them know about us. If they order, we’ll send you $$$, or a hemp wardrobe if you prefer.

On the political front, we now have a rare opportunity to support an amendment to the farm bill that would re-legalize the cultivation of industrial hemp.  This common sense idea has bi-partisan support (for once).  If you agree, let your senators in congress know, please.  Here’s the link:


Thank you for being vital,

Ron Alcalay

~satisfy your hemptations~
store and wholesale: (310) 450.2260 



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