vital hemp july newsletter - Vital Hemp, Inc.

vital hemp july newsletter

july 2013 newsletter

hempy 4th



vital ones,


This morning in yoga class I heard a Ziggy Marley song with the lines:  “I see hemp fields forever / growing wild and free.

It’s a vision I share with him and millions of other Americans who wonder why our government still outlaws the culvitation ofthis hearty, abundantly useful plant. This same government our ours will, this 4th of July, fly an American flag made of hemp (like the original one made by Betsy Ross) over the Capitol building in Washington DC, so we ask: when will we be able to once again grow the industrial hemp crop here in the USA?

Last month, I watched an advanced screening of a documentary called Bringing it Home, about industrial hemp, healthy housing and a greener future for America.  I viewed it in the company of a lot of veteran supporters of hemp and some newer ones too.  It was good to see the film in this context, and yet, we are the “choir.”  So if you want to learn more (or join our choir—more of a merry band), check it out! It’s really well-done—informative and entertaining: 

On the festival front, we’ll be attending the One Love Festival this weekend (July 5-7) in Ojai.  We look forward to seeing you there.  --An intimate festival with a great lineup in a lovely environment:

The following weekend (July 12-14), we’ll return to Topanga to hemp out the people at the Moksha Festival, a soulful event in another of our favorite places.  Also, another fine lineup of musicians.  We’ll be getting our hemp dance on!

And just in time, we finished our 100% hemp linen men’s anywhere pants and workout shorts.  Plus, the women are loving our yummy hemp tank dresses and heart-shaped hemp v-neck t-shirts.

So it’s a great time to check us out—online, at the store, or at one of these local events.  And please, if you support what we do, feel free to “like” our FB page, tweet, pin, or forward this to someone who might love a hemp tee. 

We’re still collecting photos and stories of moments in vital hemp for our site, so if you wish to send a photo, comment or anecdote, we’re keeping a list and will check it twice before the year’s out.

Happy July!  May you be healthy and feel connected to all that is good in you and others. 

Thank you for being vital,

~satisfy your hemptations~
vital hemp
store and wholesale: 310.962.3651




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