newsletter archive - Vital Hemp, Inc.

newsletter archive

october 2009 newsletter

october 2009 newsletter pic

vital ones,

Did you know Thomas Jefferson wore hemp?  He grew fields of it too, and advocated we grow it in every state, because he knew it was a very useful plant.

I visited his memorial last night on a bike tour, as well as lots of the other monuments and memorials of this great capitol city of ours.  I never appreciated DC the way I do now--perhaps I have more patience to read the engraved quotations, to linger over the faces of fallen soldiers, or to consider the lives of our leaders--what challenges they faced and overcame.

I'm here for the DC Green Festival, which takes place this weekend at the Convention Center.  It's our first business foray to the East Coast, so if you're in the area, I welcome you to come.
We have some advanced samples from the new line, including the frog blue everyone loves.

Here's the link:

All the best,

Rony Alcalay


~satisfy your hemptations~