Vital Ones,
We ring in the holidays with you.
At a time when many are still shell-shocked and others strangely jubilant, I feel challenged to say something vital. And yet, it’s November, a couple of days shy of Thanksgiving. So I take a breath and look around: the sun is setting on our beloved Pacific coast, sending soft shafts of light into the store. Eden just started a picture book about King Fissel and Queen Marigold. At first they go to the park; then there are lots of empty pages….
I like the idea of empty pages. At times, it feels like every page is already written, and all we’re doing is working at a mad pace to retrace the predetermined lines.
So beyond the elemental thanks we give for this beautiful world and the life we share with so many other wonderful creatures, I want to give thanks for empty pages, and the possibility of creating stories that aren’t in the master playbook.
As a thank you to our loyal customers, we’re reviving the Vitalgift20 code for 20% off online purchases, and will extend the same to anyone who visits the store through the end of the month. So ring in the holidays a bit early….
Just today, a customer told me he wore his vital tee for five years. When we give the gift of hemp to someone for whom we feel grateful, it’s a yummy gift they’ll enjoy for years. And knowing that makes me happy.
Wishing you happiness. For, as the great, gay American poet, Walt Whitman, said (and I paraphrase, because he would want me to do so):
There was never any more sadness than there is right now.
And there was never any more happiness than there is right now.
Here’s to empty pages! Let us fill them with the best we have in the service of all forms of life in our midst. Infinite thanks to the wondrous ecosystems that sustain us in health with this unique, miraculous Earth.
As ever, thanks for being vital,
Ron Alcalay
Let us hemp you out!
store and wholesale: 310.450.2260