At At the NoCo Hemp Expo with a couple of good ol' Kentucky hemp farmers.
Vital Ones,
It’s no coincidence that we celebrate Earth Day in Spring. The first Earth Day was founded by peace activist John McConnell on the first day of Spring in 1969. A year later, a U.S. Senator, Gaylord Nelson, founded Earth Day as an environmental teach-in to be held on April 22nd. So what is it about Spring that reminds us to honor our Earth? This year, after the bitter cold (for some) and not-so-cold (for California) of our Winter, and the colds and flus we survived (Eden had a biiig fever); and after the hibernation and the planning, Spring arrives! We sow seeds, or notice with delight the volunteer tomato plants that sprouted under the little apricot tree in the back yard…happy living tokens from the compost bin. Indeed, life cannot be repressed. And our urge to heal ourselves and the planet perennially renews. We sense and co-create possibilities never before imagined; or we come together and share dreams we’ve collectively imagined for a long time. That’s what happened at the NoCo Hemp Expo in Loveland, Colorado earlier this month. Hemp activists, hemp farmers, innovators of hemp foods (my favorite: hemp iscream), hemp paper products, hemp teas, coffees, beers and ales, CBD hemp products for vital health, and of course, hemp apparel, all gathered to share, learn, collaborate and further the dream of supporting and healing our Earth with domestically-grown fields of hemp. You may ask, “What’s the relation between hemp and healing our earth?” Apart from using no pesticides (that pollute entire ecosystems) and very little water (the hemp grown to make our clothing requires no irrigation), hemp is the best crop we can grow to counteract climate change. Why? Because as an extremely bio-dense crop (60-200 plants/square meter, 12-20 feet high), hemp sequesters carbon best. In fact, every ton of hemp we grow absorbs 1.62 tons of CO2. So if you want to eat a really healthy plant-based protein and cool the globe, eat hemp! If you want to build with strong, healthy, durable material, (and cool the globe), build with hemp! If you want to feel cool and cool the globe, wear hemp! Finally, if you like facts like the ones we shared above, like Vital Hemp on Facebook, and we’ll continue to hempjucate you. In the meantime, let us hemp you out! We have Spring-y new styles and colors to share. You can find us online, in the store in Santa Monica, and this weekend (April 18th and 19th) at the Santa Barbara Earth Day Festival.
Thanks for being vital,
Ron and the vital hemp crew
~satisfy your hemptations~ vital hemp store and wholesale: (310) 450-2260
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